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iCare Behavior<\/strong><\/a> Services is an innovating upcoming applied behavior analysis organization with operations in Miami Dade, West Palm Beach, Broward and Monroe counties in South Florida.<\/strong> We are currently servicing children and adolescent under the spectrum through applied behavior analysis (ABA) care.<\/p>\n

iCare<\/strong> is looking for an innovating individual who will be willing to grow with our company. This individual will grow into the roll of a Behavior Director for our company. The role will include managing all behavior clients, assessing children, general supervision of RBTs and BCaBA and more.<\/p>\n

iCare is looking to expand their shop, by hiring experience and knowledgeable Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)<\/strong> to provide ABA therapy services to our clients under the age of 21.<\/p>\n

If you would like to join our team, please e-mail or fax your resume icarebehaviorservices@gmail.com<\/a>. You may also contact our office to schedule an appointment, Office hours 8am to 4pm Monday thus Friday<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

Our mission: Small enough to care; Big enough to meet your needs. With Care, love and Science the potential of your child infinite!<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

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iCare Behavior<\/strong> <\/a>Services is an innovating upcoming applied behavior analysis organization with operations in Miami Dade, Broward and Monroe counties in South Florida. We are currently servicing children and adolescent under the spectrum through applied behavior analysis (ABA) care.<\/p>\n

iCare<\/strong> is looking to expand their shop, by hiring experience and knowledgeable Register Behavior Technician (RBT)<\/strong> to provide ABA therapy services to our clients under the age of 21. RBT working with iCare will be trained and supervised by behavior supervisor. Responsibilities will include data collection on behaviors, running interventions to change problems behaviors, training skills (language, requests, transitions, wait for reinforcers, sensory alternatives, etc.). The RBT will be responsible for keeping daily logs on progress.<\/p>\n

RBT REQUIREMENTS<\/strong><\/p>\n